New Hire Training Survey 

Please share your feedback regarding our recent meeting. We appreciate your candid responses.
1.The training provided in the new hire classroom has made it easy for me to do my job
2.Please share with us why you feel that way about how easy the training was.
3.New hire trainings were presented to me at a pace that I was able to easily follow
4.Please share with us why you feel that way about the pace that the training was presented
5.I learned valuable information from attending the training sessions with each supervisor
6.Please share with us why you feel that way about learning valuable information during the training sessions with each supervisor
7.I am pleased with the career advancement opportunities available to me.
8.Please share with us why you feel that way about the career advanced opportunities available to you 
9.I have a clear idea of what is expected of me at this job
10.Please share with us why you feel that way about what is expected of you at this job. 
11.I am content with the new hire training program and would not recommend any changes
12.Please share with us what changes you would recommend if any. 
13.I have the resources available to me to be successful while performing my job
14.Please share with us why you feel that way about the resources available to you to be successful while performing your job. 
15.The CFJC Agent role is what I expected it to be
16.Please share with us why you feel that way about the CFJC role being what you expected.
17.I feel a sense of belonging at this organization
18.Please share with us why you feel that way about having a sense of belonging at this organization. 
19.I feel welcomed by my colleagues 
20.Please share with us why you feel that way about being welcomed by your colleagues.
21.I can see myself working at this company 3 years from now
22.Please share with us why you feel that way about working at this company 3 years from now. 
Current Progress,
0 of 22 answered