Brewer Fanatic Check-in 2022-04

THANK YOU for helping guide Brewer Fanatic.

1.How often do you visit Brewer Fanatic?
2.What do you like about Brewer Fanatic?
3.What don't you like about Brewer Fanatic?
4.Is Brewer Fanatic better or worse than it was before being redesigned?
5.Do you read stories on the front page of Brewer Fanatic?
6.If you answered "no" to question #5, why not?
7.How likely are you to start a blog at Brewer Fanatic? (1-5, 1 not at all, 5 definitely will).
8.Overall, what rating (1 worst, 5 best) would you give Brewer Fanatic?
9.What would you like added to or improved at Brewer Fanatic?