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The City of Adelaide is investigating ways to support City and North Adelaide based venues to provide bulky music equipment/backline for live music performances. 

We are seeking your views, and in doing so, please complete the following short survey by COB Wednesday 4 September. Thank you for your assistance.

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* 1. What is the name of your venue?

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* 2. What is the audience capacity of your venue?

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* 3. Do you currently program live music performances in your venue, if yes how often?

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* 4. Do you provide bulky music equipment/backline (such as bass amp, guitar amp and drum-kit) to musicians?

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* 5. If you do not provide bulky music equipment/backline is it because of the following?

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* 6. If you are not currently providing bulky music equipment/backline, would you be prepared to offer this resource to bands if an incentive was available?

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* 7. What incentives would enable you to provide bulky music equipment/backline?

0 of 7 answered