Please fill out this short survey if you are interested in hosting students.

RDN is launching our first round of placements for 2024 (placements completed before 30 June 2024). If you have capacity to host students in this timeframe, please fill out the following form, and we will be in touch.

Question Title

* 1. What is your name?

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* 3. What is your position as a mentor? (e.g. Physio, GP, Nurse)

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* 4. What are your best contact details for organising the placement?
NB: these will not be displayed anywhere, but will be provided to the successful student in order to liaise with you regarding clinic details etc.

Question Title

* 5. Location/s of Clinic/s

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* 6. Clinic dates you are willing to host students before 30 June 2024. 
i.e. Cobar (October 4-5th)

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* 7. Student type/s  (eg. allied health, nursing, medical)

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* 8. Clinic health focus (eg. diabetes, Aboriginal health, specialty)

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* 9. How many students can you host per available date? 

Question Title

* 10. Thank you so much for completing this form, we look forward to working together to get some great students exposed to rural health!

If there is anything else you would like to let us know, please do so here, or you can email Stevie on