North Central State College (NC State) is seeking to better support honorably-discharged veterans and active-duty service members. If you fit either category, we request your anonymous feedback on this short survey for areas of improved service. Thank you very much.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. Armed services status

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* 4. In general, how positive have your interactions been with the following individuals/departments at NC State?
Add comments if desired

  Very positive Somewhat positive Neither positive nor negative Somewhat negative Very negative

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* 6. In general, how has your experience at NC State compared with your expectations? Feel free to explain

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* 7. In your opinion, what could make the college more friendly to veterans or active service members?

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* 8. Were you aware that NC State can connect you with free, voluntary, private and respectful listening sessions with community volunteers (Welcome Johnny and Jane Home Project)?

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* 9. Were you aware that the NC State/Ohio State Mansfield Campus has a Student Veterans Association (SVA) that meets regularly?

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* 10. Do you participate in the Student Veterans Association (SVA) meetings and/or other activities?

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* 11. Would any of these potential opportunities/services improve your experience at NC State? Please rank your preference and add comments.

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* 12. Are there other opportunities or services to help you successfully complete your academic goals? Please note, since this survey is anonymous, we cannot respond directly to your concerns. If you have an issue or concern you would like us to address, please e-mail us