Short Form Teacher Exit Survey Employment classification Question Title * 1. How do you classify the PRIMARY POSITION you are leaving at the current school, that is the activity at which you spent most of your time during the school year? [Select one option] Regular full-time teacher (in any of grades preK-12 or comparable ungraded levels) Regular part-time teacher (in any of grades preK-12 or comparable ungraded levels) Itinerant teacher (i.e., your assignment requires you to provide instruction at more than one school) Long-term substitute (i.e., your assignment requires that you fill the role of a regular teacher on a long-term basis, but you are still considered a substitute) Short-term substitute Student teacher Teacher aide Administrator (e.g., principal, assistant principal, director, school head) Library media specialist or Librarian Other professional staff (e.g., counselor, curriculum coordinator, social worker) Support staff (e.g., secretary) Next