Nominate yourself or someone you know anonymously- please submit first & last name. Multiple nominations can be submitted for a position by retaking the survey.

Elections will be held at the April 11th meeting!

Question Title

* 1. President *REQUIRED* | help organize and lead the chapter in a progressive direction to deliver mission; host structured meetings and maintain order in the best interest of the group.

Nomination (first & last name):

Question Title

* 2. Treasurer *REQUIRED* | maintain finances of the chapter while upholding overall financial integrity.

Nomination (first & last name):

Question Title

* 3. Secretary *SUGGESTED* | responsible for working with the president to create meeting agendas, record meeting minutes, and distribute minutes to the membership via email as well as coordinating various chapter communications.

Nomination (first & last name):

Question Title

* 4. Vice President *optional* | assists the president as needed and runs meetings in their absence. Serves as an integral part in promoting the positive direction and impact of the chapter.

Nomination (first & last name):

Question Title

* 5. Habitat Chair *optional* | lead habitat efforts of the chapter through a habitat program, working alongside PF's SW Precision Ag & Conservation Specialist, coordinating seed, etc.

Nomination (first & last name):

Question Title

* 6. Outreach Chair *optional* | lead the chapter's education & outreach efforts through events (learn to hunt, learn to shoot, pollinator habitat projects, etc.)

Nomination (first & last name):