We would be grateful if you could complete the survey below which should take no longer than 10 minutes.

All responses will be confidential

Question Title

* 1. How familiar are you with the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) and its role within the built environment sector ?

Question Title

* 2. Do you currently employ Architectural Technology professionals?
(Please select all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. If you answered YES to Question 2 above, what specific benefits do you perceive members or affiliates of CIAT bring to your organisation compared to non-members/affiliates?
(Please note that you are NOT limited to one response)

Access to Specialist knowledge and expertise
Professional credibility and trust
Quality Assurance

Question Title

* 4. When recruiting for new staff, how important is CIAT membership to your organisation?

Question Title

* 5. Are you aware that CIAT offers an Affiliate Body Corporate scheme which could allow your practice/company to be an affiliate of our Institute?

Question Title

* 6. In your opinion, what areas could CIAT focus on to better support the needs of Architectural Technology professionals in the workforce?
(Please state in the comments box below)

Question Title

* 7. How can CIAT strengthen its collaboration with employers to ensure that the skills and expertise of our members meet industry demands?
(Please state in the comments box below)

Question Title

* 8. Are there any additional services or resources you would like to see CIAT offer to better meet the needs of employers in the built environment sector?
(Please state in the comments box below)

Question Title

* 9. Please briefly state the five most important issues you feel are currently affecting the built environment sector.
(Please use concise bullet points in the comments box below)

Question Title

* 10. Do you have any other comments or feedback for CIAT?
If YES, then then please use the comments box below. Many thanks!

100% of survey complete.