100% of survey complete.
Digital transformation remains a top priority of most industrial companies. But it can be difficult to know whether your organization is keeping up with the changes and transformations that are taking place throughout the industrial sector.  This Digital Transformation Council and ARC Advisory Group research is designed to give manufacturers/producers a feel for how your organization compares to other companies as we all navigate our individual digital transformation journeys.  (If you are not a manufacturer/producer, please answer as your customer would.)

Respondents who complete the survey will be shown instant results!  In addition you will receive a summary report discussing the results once the research is completed.  Individual responses will be considered confidential and only aggregated information will be reported.  Survey participants and companies will remain confidential.  Your privacy is important to us.  We do not trade, share, or sell your information to any third party.  

Question Title

* 1. My organization is primarily ... (Please choose the best fit.)

Question Title

* 2. How have you organized your digital transformation strategy? Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. Select the most important targets for successful Digital Transformation initiatives in your organization. (Please select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 4. How are you using the following technologies in your plant operations?

  No plans to use Plan to use within 2-3 years Piloting Scaling Fully Deployed
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
Advanced Analytics (AI, ML, etc.)
Augmented Reality
Cloud Application/IoT Platforms
Cloud Native Apps
Digital Twin
Edge Computing/Edge Application Processing
IIoT Endpoint Devices
IIoT Gateways & Routers
Mobile Enablement for Frontline Workers
Robotic Process Automation
Smart Video or LIDAR
Wearable Sensors & Devices

Question Title

* 5. Embedded artificial intelligence (AI) is coming to applications.  It could, for example, add data and decision tools to commonly used screens, or predict failures or recommend actions. Please mark those applications where your organization currently uses embedded AI.

Question Title

* 6. How do the following roles influence Digital Transformation initiatives/spending decisions?

  No Influence Some Influence Great Influence Key Decider N/A
Chief Digital Officer (CDO) or Digital Transformation lead
Chief Security Officer (CSO) or equivalent
CIO/IT Systems Manager
Plant Manager
Operations Manager
Plant Engineering Manager
Plant Maintenance Manager
Product Engineering Manager
Product Marketing Manager
VP of Sales
Human Resources Officer or equivalent
OT Systems Manager
Union Representative
Product Support Services Manager
Connected Product Monitoring/Enhanced Services manager
Supply Chain Manager

Question Title

* 7. Please identify those areas where your digital transformation programs have yielded measureable improvements.

Question Title

* 8. For which of these areas is your organization actively pursuing digital transformation? (Please check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 9. My organization would benefit by better management of data and computing resources ... (Please check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 10. For data and analytics tools, how effective is your organization in:

  Not Very Effective Moderately Effective Highly Effective Don't Know
Widespread adoption of techniques and tools used to produce insight from data.
Using AI throughout your operations.
Creating and deploying your own analytics models and applications.
Encouraging broad use of data as a strategic asset.
Establishing joint IT/OT rules that determine access to and use of data by people and systems.

Question Title

* 11. How do the following describe your organization?

  Doesn't Fit My Organization Somewhat Fits My Organization This Describes Us Pretty Well Don't Know
Assets, devices, and machines are connected, supplying machine health data in addition to process and automation data.
Advanced analytics are applied to data collected from assets, devices, and machines.
Systems and data are distributed among edge devices, network devices, and cloud devices as appropriate.
Asset performance optimization and asset maintenance is aligned to production, business, and customer priorities.
Physical/cyber systems, networks, and devices are secure by design throughout the entire system

Question Title

* 12. Similarly, how do the following describe your organization?

  Doesn't Fit My Organization Somewhat Fits My Organization This Describes Us Pretty Well Don't know
My organization routinely assesses new technologies and skills to enable people to support customer success.
Customer needs directly influence operations. Customer-connected business models are common, and digital use cases begin with customer problem statements.
My organization blends operations skills with specialized data skills throughout the organization to empower a broader audience for analytics tools and systems.
Senior executives actively drive and invest in Digital Transformation programs and initiatives and focus the efforts on serving the customer.

Question Title

* 13. What challenges or hurdles does (did) your organization face on the road to Digital Transformation?  Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 14. What sources of information do you rely on for learning about digital transformation and assessing technologies? Please select up to 5.

Question Title

* 17. How large is your company's annual turnover (in US dollars)

Question Title

* 18. Your role in the organization is: (Please select the most appropriate.)

Question Title

* 19. Your main focus in the organization is: (Please select most appropriate.)

Question Title

* 20. How many different plants/warehouses/facilities does your company own/operate?

Question Title

* 21. Please provide contact information for confidential communication and/or to receive a copy of survey results.