JBNH Member Survey

1.Please indicate your age group
2.Which neighborhood do you live in?
3.How do you identify?
4.Would you share your ethnicity with us?
5.Are you currently a member of James Bay New Horizons Society?
6.If yes, what category of membership do you have?
7.How long have you been a member?
8.Do you think you are getting good value for your membership?
9.Why or why not?
10.Our membership fees are currently $50 annually and have largely remained unchanged for the last 5 years. If we had to consider raising the annual membership fee, to what level do you think you cold afford?
11.Do you feel safe at the Centre?
12.If not, please tell us why.
13.Our facility is currently for members only. How would you feel if non-members were allowed into the Centre?
14.What is most important to you as a member? Please check all that apply.
15.Did you know about some of the other things we have going on at the Centre? Please check all that apply.
16.Have you ever used or participated in any of the above activities or others we have not mentioned?
17.How often (on average) do you go to the Centre or receive services from the Centre?
18.We are aware that more and more seniors are struggling with today's health care and economic challenges. Are there services you wish we would provide that we currently don't? If so, please tell us what they are.
19.Do you take part in any of the following? Please check all that apply.
20.Did you know that we put on monthly special events that may include food (tea/coffee/snacks) and/or musical entertainment?
21.If yes, did you attend any of these events? Please check all that apply.
22.Our programming is currently highly subsidized, and most drop in programs / activities (including those that are led by instructors) cost $2-10, and events like Friendship Tea or in-house concerts cost $2-5. Friendship Tea and concerts include tea/coffee and dessert. Would you be willing to pay a bit more for quality programming?
23.If you are willing to pay a bit more, how much more, depending on the program?
24.Are you aware we are a not-for-profit organization, relying on funding from government, other organizations, foundations, and private donations, with membership being a key source of income?
25.Do you donate to James Bay New Horizons?
(Many of our services are supported by donations, which can be made through our donation box, Canada Helps, United Way, or directly to the Centre.
Tax receipts can be issued for amounts over $20.)
26.If you donate to the Centre, what method do you use? Please check all that apply.
27.Do you have any fundraising ideas so we can keep our costs reasonable and affordable? If so, please share them with us?
28.Do you volunteer at the Centre?
29.If yes, what do you do? Please check all that apply.
30.If you don't currently volunteer, are you interested in volunteering?
31.Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns that you would like us to know about?