Survey Overview

The Municipality of Norritown is developing a Master Site Development Plan for the revitalization of Elmwood Park. The nearly 30-acre site (not including the additional 30-acre Zoo), is located along and between Harding Blvd and Stony Creek. The goals and objectives of this Master Plan include:
  • To provide multi-purpose fields by repurposing and renovating Roosevelt field
  • Multi-use building for community meetings, rentals, and healthy living and educational classes for all ages
  • An indoor swimming pool for recreation and swimming classes
  • Expanded summer camp facilities that can provide jobs and positive alternatives for Norristown teens
  • Accessible, open space with trails connecting to our other parks and the Elmwood Park Zoo
  • Reducing the risk of flooding in the park
Please share your thoughts for the park's future in this survey. Your responses will help create a vision for the future of Elmwood Park. The survey should only take 5-10 minutes.

The survey will be available from October 24, 2024 until March 30, 2025. Survey responses are not identified by name and your responses will be anonymous. All responses will be compiled and be part of the final Elmwood Park Master Site Development Plan.

This survey is being conducted on behalf of the Muncipality of Norristown by Simone Collins Landscape Architecture. For more information, please contact David Bender of Simone Collins at (610) 239-7601 or