Student Satisfaction

Help us make your time here at SWTC enjoyable! Please honestly answer these 11, short questions to this anonymous survey and assist us in improving your learning and training experience. We will use this survey and the responses to improve our school. Thank you so much!   

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* 1. What program do you attend?

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* 2. How did you hear about SWTC?

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* 3. Did you enjoy the recruitment process?

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* 4. How was your enrollment process?

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* 5. Are you receiving financial aide?

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* 6. What are your outcome expectations of the program?

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* 7. Are we currently meeting your expectations?

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* 8. What is your preferred method of instruction/learning?

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* 9. Are you or do you plan on participating in your Career Tech student organization? i.e.: SkillsUSA, HOSA, BPA

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* 10. Would you recommend SWTC to a family member or friend?

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* 11. On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 not likely at all, 10 extremely likely) how likely is it that you would recommend SWTC to a family member, friend or neighbor?