Attendee Survey

As mentioned at the conclusion of the event, your input is extremely valuable as we develop programming for future sustainability-related conferences and events. Thank you for your time in completing this short survey so that we can provide an even better experience at our next conference.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the relevance of the presentation content:

  not relevant somewhat relevant relevant very relevant extremely relevant
Mitchell Toomey, ACC, Sustainability Overview: Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals to Define Company Objectives
Leonard Gordon, Venable, Sustainability Marketing: How the FTC’s Green Guides Prevent Greenwashing
Brian Tomlinson, Ernst & Young: The SEC’s Proposed Climate Risk Disclosure Rule – Overview and Update
Industry Panel
Mattress Recycling Council Panel
Andrew Dent, Material ConneXion, Concept To Practice – How To Get Started

Question Title

* 2. Tell us what other topics or subject matter you would have liked covered at future conferences.

Question Title

* 3. Are there specific speakers you would like to suggest?

Question Title

* 4. How did you feel about the length of the conference?

Question Title

* 5. At a future conference, would you be interested more technical discussions of sustainability concepts?

Question Title

* 6. Did you have enough time to network and connect with other conference attendees?

Question Title

* 7. What was you level of knowledge of sustainability issues and practices within the industry before attending the conference?

Question Title

* 8. Would you attend this conference again?

Question Title

* 9. If you enjoyed the event, please leave a testimonial, including your name and company. We will contact you for permission to use if we would like to place it in any marketing materials.