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Thank you for agreeing to provide feedback on the Groups headspace Hurstville & headspace Miranda run. Feedback is important as it helps us plan for our next groups and it lets us know if we are meeting the needs of young people in the St George and Sutherland Shire areas. 

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* 1. Gender: How do you identify?

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* 2. Age: How old are you?

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* 3. Which headspace centre is local to you? 

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* 4. How would you like the group to be delivered?

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* 5. What is the best way to inform you about upcoming groups?

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* 6. Which of the following groups are you interested in? (Rank your preferences with 1 being your greatest preference).

  1. Wellness group: This group will focus on motivation, exercise, eating a balanced diet, and improving lifestyle choices. 
  2. Movie Club: This group will involve watching, analysing and discussing a movie. Followed by writing a script, creating a storyboard, planning a production, with the end goal of making a movie. 
  3. How to adult: This group will cover all things 'adult' including healthcare management, living out of home, finding suitable housing options (rentals), paying bills, building a resume, applying for jobs, interview preparation and adult relationships.
  4. Riding the wave: This group will focus on regulating emotions and managing distress using a DBT and mindfulness approach.
  5. Body image: Difficulty with perfectionism, body image, self-esteem and the pressure of social media? This group is for you. 
  6. Rage: This group will focus on managing/expressing your anger constructively.
  7. They just don't get me (relationship building group): This group will focus in on healthy relationships, improving communication, understanding/managing conflict and strengthening the bond between family members, and/or intimate relationships. 
  8. Board games/tournaments group: This social group will focus on social engagement, communication, building confidence and teaching skills to reduce anxiety and depression. 

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* 7. Can you think of any other groups that have not been mentioned above that would interest you? (e.g. social anxiety and interpersonal skills, supporting school attendance and engagement, social media use, bullying, and setting boundaries and saying "no")

0 of 7 answered