SPIL Public Input Survey

State Plan for Independent Living- Public Input

The Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) invites you to share your input on Independent Living (IL) services that are available in South Dakota.  The SILC is in the process of developing a new 3 year State Plan for Independent Living, and welcomes feedback on IL services from individuals with disabilities in the state.  Survey responses will help to inform the development of the plan.  Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback.

Feedback will be accepted through March 6th, 2020.  If you would like to receive this survey in an alternative format, please contact 605-773-3195 or email infors@state.sd.us.
1.What is your age?
2.Where do you live?
3.Are you a person with a disability?
4.If you answered yes to #3, what type of disability do you have? (Check all that apply)
5.If you have a disability, has that disability been acquired later in life?
6.What is your current living situation?
7.Are you employed?
8.Are you or have you received services from a Center for Independent Living?
9.In your opinion, what are obstacles that stop you and/or people with disabilities from being more independent? (choose all that apply)
10.Feel free to include additional feedback on independent living services here: