PhD Study

Dear participant,

This experiment is part of my PhD project which examines behavioral aspects in funding. This questionnaire will try to create a genuine crowdfunding situation with a philanthropic organization which seeks monetary support. 

For participating in this study you will receive an overall amount of £4. You will receive a participation payment of £1 and an extra £3 from which you will be able to decide how much monetary support to give to the crowdfunding campaign.

Following this introduction, you will receive brief information regarding the crowdfunding campaign which seeks for the monetary support. It is important to emphasize that the crowdfunding campaign which will be presented to you, the rewards which you will be offered as well as the monetary support I will give on your behalf, are all authentic.

You will have the privilege to decide on a monetary support between £1 and £3 that will be given on your behalf and in return, you will be able to choose between four rewards. 

Please think it through, it is real money I will be giving on your behalf and these are real rewards you will be offered for your support.  

Thank you for your time and effort.

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* 1. Consent statement:

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. Please enter your Prolific ID in order for me to forward the reward you will be choosing:

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* 4. What is your age?

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The Good Neighbour Association

<span style="font-family: impact, sans-serif; color: #000000; font-size: 18pt;">The Good Neighbour Association</span>
The 'Good Neighbor Association' (GNA) was founded by a group of social activists. Our vision is that every citizen will take responsibility for his own environment, which includes the surrounding community in which he lives. To inspire hope and generate change for those less fortunate or in need. We aim to empower communities in need regardless of religion, race or gender, to create direct involvement programs which enable people to engage with communities at risk, to promote volunteering initiatives that will act as a platform for social change and to pursue all of the above and yet stay as cost effective as possible.

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* 5. Kindly choose one of the following rewards: (I will ask for your contact details through Prolific messages service)

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* 6. Please indicate the monetary support you will want me to give on your behalf to "Good Neighbor" association:

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* 7. Please explain the decisions you made in this experiment:

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* 8. Overall I feel I did something meaningful by supporting this campaign.

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* 9. Please indicate your general attitude towards this campaign: