2024 APA WA Board Nominations

2 Year Terms start November 1, 2024.
If you’re interested in knowing and contributing more during your career as a Planner, get involved with the State Chapter through your Section in your region by nominating yourself for a Section Board position. Commitment is minimal but the contacts you will gain will enhance your career in Washington. The Section positions listed below are available for Nominations. Only submit for the Section you are a member of.

1.Your name?(Required.)
2.I am nominating myself(Required.)
Please indicate what position you are seeking for your APAWA section:
3.Peninsula Section
4.Columbia Section
5.Northwest Section
6.Puget Sound Section
7.Position Statement - Why do you want to serve in this capacity? (250 words maximum)(Required.)
8.Your Title(Required.)
10.WA APA Section(Required.)