Nomination Form

The SHUG Award for Excellence in Beamline Science recognizes beamline scientists who have made significant scientific contributions in their area of research or instrumentation development and have participated in the growth and enrichment of the user community.  Two awards are conferred in alternate years at the SNS and HFIR Users Group (SHUG) Users Meeting to an active SNS and HFIR beamline scientist, one for each facility. Beamline scientists at the SNS and HFIR who are eligible for the award are listed on the User Meeting website. Any SNS and/or HFIR user may submit a nomination. The recipients will be recognized at the 2017 SHUG Users Meeting, receive a monetary award, and have his or her name placed on an award plaque at the facility. Applications are due June 30, 2017.

Question Title

* 1. Your name

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* 2. Your affiliation and position

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* 3. Name of beamline scientist nominee

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* 4. Nominee's facility 

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* 5. Nominee's beam line

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* 6. Nomination statement

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