Thank you for taking the Yangebup Family Centre Survey

The Yangebup Family Centre is a community managed not-for-profit organisation that promotes connection and wellbeing in the local community.  The centre is a cultural hub where people can embrace diversity and belonging.  We build capacity through our flourishing community groups, collaborative partnerships and strong relationships with residents and stakeholders for over 25 years. We are currently reviewing our services, we value your feedback as a part of this process.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide information on what activities/services you have attended/utilised at the Yangebup Family Centre:

Question Title

* 2. What do you like most about our current activities/services?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate each of the following aspects of the Yangebup Family Centre.

  Poor Fair Good Excellent Outstanding N/A
Venue layout and facilities
Venue location, transportation, parking
Type of activities/services available
Cost of activities/services
Information provided on what else is happening in the community
Room hire layout and facilities
Room hire charges
Office staff
Centre flyers/handbooks
Centre noticeboards
Centre enews
Centre website
Centre facebook page