Based on the successful delivery of M1, Measure M2 was passed in November 2006 by 70% of Orange County voters to continue with transportation investments funded by the local half cent sales tax for another 30 years. Sales tax collection for Measure M2 began in April 2011.

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1. Prior to taking this survey, had you heard of Measure M – Orange County’s voter-approved half cent transportation sale tax?

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2. Prior to taking this survey, which of the following Measure M transportation investments were you aware of? (Select all that apply.)

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3. Measure M allows for a variety of improvements to be made to Orange County’s transportation system. Utilizing the list below, please indicate whether you think each program/project should be a high priority, a medium priority, or a low priority. Please keep in mind that not all improvements can be high priorities.

  High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Shouldn't Do This Project Not Sure Prefer Not To Answer
Improve/widen the freeways
Expand the Metrolink rail service
Expand vanpool programs
Improve ACCESS paratransit service for people with disabilities
Construct roads over or under rail tracks where needed to improve traffic flow
Coordinate traffic signals on major roadways to improve traffic flow
Fix potholes and repair roadways
Improve amenities at transit stops and stations
Provide transit services to seniors and the disabled at a discounted rate
Provide free assistance and tow truck service to motorists who break down on freeways
Clean up polluted runoff from roads to reduce water pollution and protect local beaches
Close gaps, improve intersections, and reduce traffic congestion on major roads throughout the county
Improve access to METROLINK stations using shuttles, light rail, and other transit services
Add local bus and shuttle services in communities that aren’t well served by regional transit services.
Preserve and restore open space land to offset the impacts of freeway improvement projects
Cleanup and conserve water resulting from urban runoff

With M2 only in year 5 of a 30 year program, significant progress has already been made on delivering projects and programs thanks to early action planning. For example, planning for the entire freeway program is underway with 12 of 27 freeway project segments either complete or in construction, more than $1 billion in streets and roads funding has been provided to local jurisdictions to initiate local street and roads improvement projects, 52 rail-highway grade crossings have been enhanced, ten intracounty Metrolink trains have been added and services to support seniors and persons with disabilities has been provided. Additionally, 1,300 acres of open space have been acquired and preserved for habitat preservation, 213 million gallons of water saved and nearly 500,000 cubic feet of trash removed preventing it from entering into our waterways.

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4. Now that you have a bit more information about all the different Measure M programs/projects, do you feel that Measure M is on track to provide Orange County with transportation solutions?

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5. Do you believe it is important to ensure that M2 is delivered as promised to the voters?

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6. How would you enhance these programs once all Measure M projects are delivered?

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7. What is your number one transportation priority?

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8. What is your primary mode of transportation?

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9. How long have you lived in Orange County?

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10. Zip Code:

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11. Age:

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12. Name (optional)

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13. Would you like to receive emails from OCTA about Measure M and related projects?