Project Type |
Description |
Community recreational area or cultural space
Convert land into a community area with opportunities for recreation, publicly accessible open space, or specific cultural uses. Conversion may include a change in ownership or a land lease involving one or more parties. |
Dryland farming |
Convert to growing a crop that solely relies on precipitation falling onto the field to grow an agricultural commodity, with no supplemental irrigation. Differs from less water-intensive by no presence of an irrigation system. Can serve as a transition crop and be flexible year to year. |
Floodplain habitat |
Modify land along natural waterway or flood channel to facilitate spreading of water during high-flow events. Land would be replanted with appropriate native plants to create valuable habitat during periods without any water inundation. Land modifications can also facilitate groundwater recharge. |
Less water-intensive crop |
Convert to growing a crop that uses less water than the current irrigated crop, including a crop that still requires regular irrigation, or a crop that needs only minimal irrigation to supplement precipitation. Differs from dryland farming due to the presence of an irrigation system. Must consider market demand and specialized labor need. |
Rangeland (Managed Grazing Land) |
Convert irrigated lands to non-irrigated land for livestock grazing. Land would be replanted and managed to facilitate healthy grazing plant species and practices. May include land preparation, replanting, weed management, fencing, livestock watering systems, and other facility improvements to provide necessary functionality. |
Pollinator habitat |
Convert to growing a crop that uses less water than the current irrigated crop, including a crop that still requires regular irrigation, or a crop that needs only minimal irrigation to supplement precipitation. Differs from dryland farming due to the presence of an irrigation system. Must consider market demand and specialized labor need. |
Recharge basin or facilities |
Modify land to create a dedicated basin or facilities where acquired surface water can be placed for seepage into underground storage. Recharge credits may be available, depending on the rules of the Groundwater Sustainability Agency within which the recharge basin or facility is located. |
Rotational strip cropping |
Modify the farming and management practice of annual crops such that different strips of the field are planted each year, resting the soil on non-planted strips. |
Solar energy production, storage, transmission |
Convert land to accommodate solar energy production, or to provide an area for needed energy storage facilities and transmission corridors. This could also include Agrivoltaic projects that combine solar generation with commodity farming. |
Wildlife habitat |
Convert land to support important native plant and animal species through planting, propagation and management of appropriate plants. Irrigation may be necessary to establish plants, but habitat would not rely on irrigation after establishment. Should |