The National Consortium of Breast Care Centers and Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine are excited to announce that nominations for the 3rd annual “They Believed They Could, So They Did” Award are NOW OPEN.
You are invited to nominate yourself or someone you know for the third
annual “They Believed They Could, So They Did” award.
Submission requirements must be received by midnight EST January 31, 2024.
In addition, please send a 30 second video to be included in the presentation montage video that will be presented at The 3rd Annual NCoBC Survivors & Advocates SummitTM on Sunday, March 17, 2024, in conjunction with the annual NCBC National Conference ( which is being held at the Paris in Las Vegas, NV.
Here’s the link for the Advocates Summit: 
Announcement and presentation of the Award will be made on March 17, 2024, at The 3rd Annual NCoBC Survivors & Advocates SummitTM. You need not be present at the event to be selected.
If you submitted a nomination in 2022 or 2023, of course, you are welcome to submit again for the 2024 Award.
Here’s the link to 2023 Advocates Summit Overview Video: 
The backdrop of your submission can be of your choice, but we recommend something that represents your work.
Highest quality of production for your video is appreciated. Cell phone productions will be accepted.
Please make your message concise, clear, and uplifting. Please note that submissions that are over 30 seconds long will be edited or possibly rejected.)
Your submission and 30-second video must be received prior to the January 31, 2024 deadline (no exceptions).
Please submit all requirements in the same email (not separate emails) so that your information doesn’t get misplaced.
Email your nomination form and 30-second video on time to and your nomination information will be forwarded to the Selection Committee.
We thank you for the difference that you make, and we look forward to receiving your nomination.
Kimberly Bolin BS, RT (R)(M), ARRT, ARDMS, Executive Director NCBC, Co-Founder NCBC Leaders’ and Advocacy Council
Beverly Vote, Publisher, Breast Cancer Wellness Media,
Co-Founder, NCBC Leaders’ and Advocacy Council
Silvia Dunnavant Hines, Co-Chair “They Believed They Could, So They Did” Award Committee

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your personal information

Question Title

* 2. If your nominee is associated with a breast cancer organization, what is their website or their personal
website and/or facebook page:

Question Title

* 3. In 300 words or less, please tell us about the person you are nominating and their work, their mission, the
community she/he serves and the impact they have made.