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Welcome! We want to hear from you!

We're polling Executive Pastors from across the country to take a pulse of where the church is as we come to the end of 2023. By entering this survey, you will be helping churches across the country as we prepare for 2024. 

- Rich Birch

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* 1. What was your pre-COVID attendance in your physical buildings?

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* 2. Which of the following would best describe your weekend services at this point:

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* 3. What is your in-person attendance today? (percentage of pre-COVID who have returned or new attenders)

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* 4. What do you estimate your online attendance to be?

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* 5. Rate These Statements: Rate the following statements according to how you think they apply to your church.

  Strongly Agree Agree Undecided / Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
We are uncertain of the changes we need to make for 2024.
Our Next Gen ministries changed substantially in 2023.
We are pursuing church multiplication efforts for 2024. (Church planting, Campus Expansion, Merger, etc)
Lives are being positively impacted by our ministry in this season.
We have invested heavily in our digital experience this year.
My relationship with my Lead Pastor / Senior Pastor is stronger today than it was at the end of 2022.
We anticipate investing more in our digital ministry in 2024.
Our church has been able to keep focused on our mission in 2023.
Our financial health is stronger at the end of 2023 than it was at the end of 2022.
The spiritual vitality of our church in 2023 has improved over 2022.
Our staff team is strongly aligned with our mission.
We have more people connected to small groups (online and/or in person) in 2023 than 2022.
Our church grew its active base of volunteers in 2023.

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* 6. Rank order these areas of staff development based on the quality of care you believe you’re giving your team:

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* 7. Which of the following roles are you looking at hiring in the next 12 months?

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* 8. How would you best describe the morale of your staff? (check as many as apply)

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* 9. What's your biggest concern or fear for your church in 2024?

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* 10. What is the best new idea you have implemented in 2023?

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* 11. Be the First to Know! Enter Your Email Address & We'll Send You the Results Right Away.

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