Barriers to women's participation in municipal government (EN)

Toward Parity in Municipal Politics is a project being implemented by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities with funding from the Department for Women and Gender Equality (formerly known as Status of Women).  The project will be developing a national action plan to help address some of the barriers that exist for women entering into, being elected to or remaining in municipal politics.
The project recognizes that not all women will experience these barriers or may not experience them in the same way, while others, especially women of inter-sectional backgrounds, may experience multiple barriers concurrently.  We also recognize that these barriers will often be compounded by other forms of discrimination.
Your feedback will be instrumental in helping us build our national action plan.  Thank you for taking the time to respond to the survey. It should only take 5 minutes of your time.
Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez suivre ce lien :

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* 1. What best describes your role, or the role you ran for, on council?

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* 2. Please prioritize the following 6 barriers based on your perception of their impact on women's decision to run or ability serve in municipal politics in your community. (Please rank from most significant impact (1) to the least (6).

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* 3. The accessibility of resources, including information about roles and responsibilities, fundraising, application, etc. is easily accessible for women who are new to municipal politics.

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* 4. What tool, resource, or information did you require or would have appreciated having to support your bid for or mandate in municipal politics, but couldn't find?

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* 5. There are adequate practices/services in place within municipalities that would help women balance their personal responsibilities with their position on council.

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* 6. A lack of inclusive policies, such as parental leave and telecommuting options, would be a deterring factor in a woman's decision to run for or stay in municipal office.

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* 7. Women can easily access support or mentorship from a prominent community member and/or other leaders for a campaign.

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* 8. The "old boys club" or informal networks and processes are a significant factor for women deciding to run or to stay in politics.

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* 9. Please indicate which methods (listed along the top) could be improved in order to minimize the effects of each barrier. Select all that apply.

  Policies Information and training Community engagement Funding Technology Administrative/practical support Other
Lack of information
Lack of inclusive practices 
Lack of inclusive policies
Lack of mentorship
"Old Boys club"/ Informal networks 
Intimidation and harassment

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* 10. Are you?

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* 11. Are you

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* 13. Do you identify as coming from an urban or rural community?

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* 14. Thank you for your time and responses! 
If you have any other information you wish to share please include your comments below.