Have you or someone you know ever been a victim of a scam targeted at seniors?
Yes, I have
Yes, someone I know has
Prefer not to answer
How familiar are you with common scams that target older adults, such as phone scams, email phishing, or deceptive pop-ups?
Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not very familiar
Not familiar at all
Which of the following types of scams have you heard about or experienced? (Check all that apply)
Phone scams (e.g., IRS, Medicare)
Email phishing
Deceptive computer pop-ups
Lottery or sweepstakes scams
Romance scams
Investment scams
Other (please specify)
How confident do you feel in your ability to recognize and avoid scams?
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not very confident
Not confident at all
How interested would you be in learning more about common scams targeting seniors and how to protect yourself?
Extremely interested
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested