2024 Howard Cherry Award
Oregon Community College Association
The Oregon Community College Association's (OCCA) Howard Cherry Award is named for the late Dr. Howard Cherry, a Portland orthopedic surgeon who was a lifelong advocate for education and community involvement. He served on the Portland School Board, Portland Community College Board of Directors, in the Oregon Legislature, and was a founding member of the Association of Community College Trustees.

OCCA is accepting nominations of individuals who, by their contributions to the community college cause in Oregon, have brought recognition to community colleges statewide.

The award may be granted in the following three categories: Community College Advocate; Community College Administrator; and Community College Board Member. Weight will be given to nominees that receive nominations from more than one school.
Award Categories:
  • Community College Advocate – The recipient of the Howard Cherry Advocate award is intended for individuals not employed by a college or on a college board who have demonstrated effective political advocacy on behalf of community colleges with a statewide reach. The work of this recipient should have a demonstrated positive effect on all Oregon community colleges, not just one or two individual community colleges. Past recipients have included members of the legislature and other elected officials, business leaders and state agency leaders whose work has benefited all of the 17 colleges across Oregon and the communities they serve.
  • Community College Administrator – The recipient of the Howard Cherry Administrator award is intended for administrators working at Oregon community colleges who have shown outstanding commitment, achievement, and leadership in their field. This award does not have to demonstrate a statewide reach but is intended for someone who has been recognized by their community and their campus.
  • Community College Board Member – The recipient of the Howard Cherry Board Member award is intended for board members whose service acts as an example for board members across Oregon. Nominees should have a proven track record of commitment to their college and community and should be able to show leadership on their boards that have positively benefited the college community. This award does not have to demonstrate a statewide reach.
Required Nomination Documents
  • Letter of nomination. Should be 1-2 pages in length and summarize the work the nominee has done to benefit Oregon's 17 community colleges.
  • Letter(s) of support from members of the campus community and local community at large.
  • A bio, resume, or CV of the nominee.
  • Any other relevant documents that would show community college involvement.
All nominations must be made using this survey form. Please upload all required documents in the appropriate sections below. OCCA is here for guidance - please contact John Wykoff at if you have any questions or need assistance.

Please submit nominations via the online form by 5:00 p.m. PST Friday, August 16, 2024.