
欢迎各界朋友参加 商展,讲座,咨询,业务洽谈  游戏、猜灯谜、演出、丰盛午餐、幸运大抽奖

亚特兰大中国商会将于2015年10月3日(星期六)上午10点至下午5点在Doraville Forest Fleming Arena(3037 Pleasant Valley Drive, Doraville, GA 30340)举办盛大的第四届商务展销会暨秋游活动,欢迎各行业的商家、团体、单位,全体会员、各界同胞和朋友踊跃参加。


Doraville Forest Fleming Arena的巨型大厅和室外的宽阔草地、运动场、Playground等设施很适合举办大型游园活动。大厅内将布设各公司、行号、团体的展销摊位,有各种日用品、服装、礼品工艺品、图书、音像制品的促销价特价展销,有各种各地风味食品和小吃的品尝,有财务金融、各种保险、房地产中介、贷款、各类学校、居家维修等等各种服务的咨询和洽商;大舞台将有各种精彩音乐歌舞表演。



欢迎中学生报名做义工,商会将出具正规工时证书。报名者可发送Email至  或打电话:678-612-3405(金大鸣秘书长)。




To help you promote your businesses to the Asian communities in Greater Atlanta area, Chinese Business Association of Atlanta (CBAA) is organizing its CBAA 4th Business Expo on October 3, 2015 at Doraville Forest Fleming Arena(3037 Pleasant Valley Drive, Doraville, GA 30340). This event will be an excellent opportunity for you to introduce your business, products, and services to the CBAA members, general public attendants, the Asian community in particular.


The Expo will be held at Doraville Arena which is very spacious and can accommodate over a thousand people. Event activities include Business Exhibitions, Seminars, Career Fair, Consulting, Book/DVD, Asian performance, Lantern Riddles and games.

The Expo is open to the general public. Lunch is included and provided by CBAA. CBAA members can attend for free. Non-member admission is 7$. Children under 7 are free.

Businesses can rent exhibition table at $80 ($60 for CBAA members). If you register before  Sept 18, you will receive a $10 early registration discount. The Expo starts at 10:00AM and ends at 5:00PM on 10/3 (Saturday). During the same time period, we will also be holding seminars and a job fair in the same location.

For table/space rental, please contact Richard Li at 678 488 0085 or email for details