Complete this quiz with a minimum score of 8/10 points to earn 1 CPD point.
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Please listen to all five podcasts from the Getting REAL podcast series; to answer the below questions. 

Question Title

* 1. Contact details

The following questions are from Podcast #1: REALLY Diversifying in Real Estate

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following real estate descriptions is FALSE?

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* 3. Which of these is a reason for global direct real estate investment?

Question Title

* 4. Global Direct Real Estate is an approximately US$23 trillion opportunity set, of which Australian direct real estate makes up around…

The following question is from Podcast #2: The GREITs Rollercoaster

Question Title

* 5. The challenge with REITs is that they are…

The following questions are from Podcast #3: Real Estate’s an investment in inflation, the only thing going up

Question Title

* 6. The Real Estate asset class has the highest correlation to inflation of major asset classes, and when inflation rises above 5% the correlation historically…

Question Title

* 7. When Invesco Real Estate (IRE) was founded in the 1980s, investors had four key motivations to invest in direct global real estate. Which of these motivations dropped off the radar in the 1990s but recently roared back to potentially No. 1 on the list?

The following questions are from Podcast #4: Future Real Estate; tomorrow’s economy needs a home

Question Title

* 8. The office allocation in Invesco Real Estate’s portfolio has reduced over time to that of key quality assets, but office space remains important to tenants for the benefits it offers growing companies. These benefits include:

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* 9. Logistics assets include all of the following, except… 

The following questions are from Podcast #5: It’s not easy being green (but it’s worth it)

Question Title

* 10. Total occupancy costs matter to corporate tenants because...

Question Title

* 11. Refurbishing buildings, thereby reusing or retaining the concrete, reduces...