Sparky: The Readers' Poll Question Title * 1. I am a This Week's Picture Subscriber Yes No Question Title * 2. I have read Sparky... From start to finish at least once. In bits and pieces, not the whole thing. Not at all. I'm a busy person. Question Title * 3. The thing(s) I liked best about Sparky... (check all that apply) The episodes were short The story held my interest I have a secret fear of giant hogweed I was waiting, patiently, for the story to start making sense I liked the characters I liked Sparky's "voice" I have lots of time and the story helped to pass some of it I didn't really like anything about Sparky Question Title * 4. Which charater(s) appealed most to you? Check all that apply. Sparky Gerry Ringbold Peony Chester Stuart Chester Marriba Jennifer Carol Dubs All of the characters appealed to me None of the characters appealed to me Question Title * 5. The questions lingering after reading Sparky are... (check all that apply) Why was Gerry Ringbold covered with blisters? Why bother with the details about the jar? Why the long backstory on Sparky? Could you have made Gerry Ringbold's backstory any more complicated? What's with all the orphans? Will there be any more Sparky stories? I have no lingering questions about Sparky Question Title * 6. Last question: If you had your life to live over again would you still take the time to read Sparky's Funtime Summertime Murder Mystery? Yes No Done