Potter Township Residential Broadband

Thank you for helping Potter Township better understand the needs of our residents and local business by sharing your internet experience at home. We will share your anonymous data with county/state/federal agencies that undertake projects to improve rural broadband access. Please complete only ONE per household.

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* 1. What is your street address?

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* 2. Does this address have an internet connection?

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* 3. What type of service is your primary connection at this address?

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* 4. If your internet service is not adequate, please describe why (check all that apply):

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* 5. How many devices are connected to your home internet connection?
Examples include smartphones, smart tv, laptop, desktop computer, gaming system, appliance, printer, or security systems.

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* 6. Please tell us how fast your home internet connection is by doing the following:

1. Connect to the internet
2. Open the internet browser
3. Go to: speedtest.airstreamcomm.net
4. Click the GO button to run the test.
5. After the test runs, it will give you four numbers. Please record those numbers below: Ping / Jitter / Upload / Download

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* 7. If your connection was too slow to run this test, tell us here.

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* 8. How do you use your internet connection? Check all that apply.

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* 9. How many people currently live in your household?  Include: Adults / Children under 18.

Thank you for your help! Please contact the township office at (724) 495-6220 if you would like to know more.