Walworth County Economic Development Alliance (WCEDA) has been contracted by the county to conduct a study of the state of affairs relating to child care in Walworth County. Your input may help to provide grant or other types of assistance to address the child-care challenge in the county.
WCEDA is surveying users (employers and employees) and group and family based providers of child-care services to improve understanding of the issues/problems impacting the delivery of quality child care. There are three basic areas of inquiry:
1. Question 1 thru 3 – Identifying and ranking of the issues/problems that apply to your business.
2. Questions 4 thru 9 - specific to child care – developing a better understanding of the child-care issues/problems that you are dealing with and determining if you have sufficient options to meet the child-care needs of your workforce
3. Questions 10 thru 13. If you are having child-care issues/problems, identifying possible solutions and your level of interest to investigate options in greater depth, such as a focus group in the near future.
As a member business of the Walworth County community, we greatly value your perspective on workforce needs in our area