About Survey

Walworth County Economic Development Alliance (WCEDA) has been contracted by the county to conduct a study of the state of affairs relating to child care in Walworth County. Your input may help to provide grant or other types of assistance to address the child-care challenge in the county.

WCEDA is surveying users (employers and employees) and group and family based providers of child-care services to improve understanding of the issues/problems impacting the delivery of quality child care. There are three basic areas of inquiry:
1. Question 1 thru 3 – Identifying and ranking of the issues/problems that apply to your business.
2. Questions 4 thru 9 - specific to child care – developing a better understanding of the child-care issues/problems that you are dealing with and determining if you have sufficient options to meet the child-care needs of your workforce
3. Questions 10 thru 13. If you are having child-care issues/problems, identifying possible solutions and your level of interest to investigate options in greater depth, such as a focus group in the near future.
As a member business of the Walworth County community, we greatly value your perspective on workforce needs in our area

Question Title

 Affordable Child Care

<div style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;Affordable Child Care</div>

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* 3. How many employees do you have?

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* 4. Approximately what percentage of your employees have children under 13 years of age?

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* 5. Does your workforce struggle to find child care?

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* 6. Have you been unable to hire or retain employees due to child-care issues?

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* 7. Were you unable to hire or retain employees due to child-care issues pre-Covid-19?

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* 8. Have local K-12 school decisions impacted your employees' abilities to work, i.e. school schedules, in-person/virtual, etc.?

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* 9. Which of the following are child-care issues you see as an employer? Check all that apply?

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* 10. Has the productivity of your business been affected due to child-care issues?

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* 11. Have any employees taken longer leaves of absence to care for children at home because of child-care issues?

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* 12. Approximately what percentage of your annual turnover is attributed to child-care issues?'

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* 13. Do you have or are you considering offering other benefits to support your employees' child-care needs?

  Implemented pre-Covid-19 Implemented during Covid-19 Will consider/implement post Covid-19 Would not consider this policy
Providing employer-sponsored child care for employees at or near the worksite
Providing employees with a child-care subsidy or voucher
Arranging and/or paying for emergency or back up child care
Providing flexibility in work schedules or remote work options
Offering employee Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts
Contributing to employee Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts
Increasing/providing more flexibility with paid time off (PTO) for child-care issues

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* 14. What government policies do you think would help address workforce child care issues?

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* 15. Please indicate which of the following scenarios would make it more likely for your business to support the child-care needs of employees. Check all that apply?

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* 16. Would you consider being part of the solution by participating in a child care-task force for Walworth County? If so, please provide your contact information in the comment box below.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!