Te Puni Kōkiri Long-term Insights Briefing 2022

What could the future for whānau and Māori communities look like in 2040? This is the question at the heart of the Te Puni Kōkiri Long-term Insights Briefing.
We want to know what thriving whānau means to you. Use this survey to share your whakaaro with us! 
Before you answer the questions we suggest you take a look at our short animation, highlighting what the future could look like for whānau. Head to our webpage for more information!
By completing this survey you consent to the use of the information you provide in the Long-term Insights Briefing 2022 by Te Puni Kōkiri. The information you provide will be saved securely within a dedicated, limited access filing system hosted by Te Puni Kōkiri and only accessible by the project team. Any information we receive from you is subject to the provisions of the Official Information Act and may be released to a third party requester if required - unless there are grounds to withhold it. 

If you would like to ask for a copy of your information, have it corrected or withdraw your consent, please contact us at whānaufutures@tpk.govt.nz. 
1.Your age

3.What does a happy, healthy whānau look like to you?
4.What is your vision for Thriving Whānau in 2040?
5.Why is this vision important for you?
6.What might stop your vision coming true, and why? 
7.What do you think the government could do to support your vision of thriving whānau to come true?
8.Share any other whakaaro about Thriving Whānau with us!