Exit Gym Leader World Championship - Interest Survey (143 players needed) We're looking for 143 players to take part in a Gym Leader (Type Specialist) World Championship - using the rich history of Pokémon's gym leaders and famous type specialists and battling as them in Pokémon Showdown.The survey below will help us learn whether there is enough interest to set up this fun battle tournament. Question Title * 1. Would you be interested in taking part in the Gym Leader World Championships? Yes No Question Title * 2. Would you be happy to play Double battles through Pokémon Showdown? The format will be NatDex 6v6 Doubles Draft - team must be valid for use. For this first iteration of the Championship, all gimmicks will be banned. No Mega Evolution, no Z-Moves, no DMax, no Tera. Yes No Question Title * 3. Are you comfortable using a Discord server to communicate for the tournament? (e.g. scheduling, announcements, setting up battles - no need for voice chat) Yes No Question Title * 4. The tournament involves three key stages. Stage 1 is the Gym Leader Invitationals - a round robin series of games against similarly ranked opponents that inform the latter stages' seeding (top players will also receive an automatic bye in Stage 3. Stage 2 is the Regional Championship - players will compete against other gym leaders from their region (e.g. Kanto) in a knockout tournament based upon Stage 1's seeding, leading to each region's new 'Elite 4' and 'Champion' being found. Stage 3 is the Gym Leader World Championship - all Elite 4 members and Champions will receive automatic byes into the latter stages, while remaining players will battle it out for the remaining places. Top Cut will determine our strongest Gym Leader in the World! Are you happy that you understand and accept this format? Yes No Question Title * 5. Your team will be composed solely from Pokémon used by your assigned character in the Pokémon game series. Many teams will be monotype, while some might have more variation. Additionally, some players might be fortunate enough to have many Pokémon to choose from, while others might have less than 6. In this circumstance, repeating a Pokémon is acceptable. Teams can be adjusted between rounds until Top Cut in Stage 3 - allowing you to prepare for individual trainers. This includes Pokemon, moves, items, etc. Any team changes must be resubmitted to the referee for verification.Are you prepared to undertake this teambuilding challenge? Yes No Question Title * 6. Do you have a favourite Gym Leader/Elite4 member/Champion? If so, who? Question Title * 7. Would you be happy to receive a random character to participate as? Yes No Question Title * 8. Do you have any other friends who might like to join? Get them to complete the survey! Of course! For sure! Question Title * 9. What are your Reddit / Pokémon Showdown / Discord usernames? Done