Reunion Event Feedback

Hopefully by now you've reached home and taken a few moments to savor the joyful experience of reconnecting with your forever Bison family during our #20YEARSABISON Howard University Homecoming (HUHC) celebration.  No matter how you may be Bison-affiliated or what class you’re part of, we invite you to share your constructive input and ideas by completing the brief survey below. Your input will be used to build on what's been started and inform future HU Class of 2003 reunion milestone moments! 
  • TARGET DUE DATE: Wednesday, 11/11/2023

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* 1. BISON CONNECTION: Describe your PRIMARY affiliation(s) to Howard University. (Check ALL that apply.)

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* 2. ALUMNI CLASS AFFILIATION: If you are not part of the Howard University Alumni Class of 2003, indicate which alumni class you most affiliate with and/or support. (e.g., 19xx, 20xx, etc.)

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* 3. ATTENDANCE: Did you attend this year's #20YEARSABISON HU Homecoming celebration?

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* 4. ENGAGEMENT: In what ways did you engage in this year's #20YEARSABISON celebration? (Check ALL that apply.)

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* 5. ENJOYMENT: If you attended this year's HU Homecoming, rate your level of enjoyment reconnecting with our Alumni Class of 2003 Bison family. On a scale between 0 being "Meh."  *yawn* and 5 being " my Top 5 of all time!"

0 - "Meh."  *yawn* 5 - " my Top 5 of all time!"
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. MOST FAVORITE vs. LEAST FAVORITE: Use the rankings below to indicate your MOST and LEAST favorite #20YEARSABISON reunion activities/events.

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* 8. ENHANCEMENT: Share 1-3 ideas that would enhance future HU Class of 2003 reunion milestones.

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* 9. MIND THE GAP: Besides missing several of our Bison family and friends who were unable to join us this year, what else was missing from our #20YEARSABISON reunion celebration?

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* 10. INTEREST: Are you interested in contributing your time and talent toward the success of current and future Howard University Alumni Class of 2003 reunion milestones? If yes, share your name and preferred contact information. (e.g., name, email address, phone, and social media, etc.)

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* 11. COUNTING ON YOU: Let us know ways we can count on you and your continued support of the #20YEARSABISON giving campaign, as well as future milestone reunion efforts.

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* 12. FINAL THOUGHTS + THANKS: Share additional input, considerations, a lasting memory, and/or an expression of gratitude to help strengthen future milestone reunion events/activities.

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100% of survey complete.