Do you know what's in your gasoline and why it's killing you?

If you don't care about the true cost of gasoline, what's in it, and how it harms your health and wallet - it's only because you don't know, and that's not your fault.

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* 1. How much do you think you actually pay for gasoline when factoring in the total society costs, e.g., military taxes for oil protection, federal fossil fuel subsidies, increased healthcare premiums due to air pollution, etc.?

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* 2. Burning fuels for transportation is the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions (carbon) in the U.S.

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* 3. On average, how many different chemicals are in your gasoline?

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* 4. Can you name more than two chemicals in your gasoline?

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* 5. On average, what percentage of your gasoline contains the known human carcinogen benzene or other benzene-based chemicals?

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* 6. The International Agency for Research on Cancer and U.S. National Toxicology Program (which includes NIH, CDC, and FDA) classifes benzene as "known to be a human carcinogen." Benzene has always been in gasoline. According to the American Petroleum Institute, what is the safe threshold exposure to benzene?

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* 7. In which year did the American Petroleum Institute state “the safe threshold for exposure to benzene is zero.”

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* 8. In which year did the U.S. EPA classify benzene as a known human carcinogen?

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* 9. Government and private researchers have linked Mobile Source Air Toxic (i.e., from transportation) emissions to which of the following public health threats?

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* 10. According to the U.S EPA, research has demonstrated that exposure to pollutants emitted from motor vehicles can cause lung and heart problems and premature death. How many million Americans live, work, or attend school within 300 feet of a major road, airport or railroad?

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* 11. The U.S. has 5% of the world's population. How much of the world's oil does the US consume?

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* 12. The U.S. experienced its first oil embargo and price spike in 1972 and imported 32% of its oil. Compared to 1972, in 2022 did the U.S. increase or decrease the use of crude oil?

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* 13. The U.S. relies on gasoline for about 90% of its light duty vehicle (personal cars/trucks) transportation fuel needs - about 135 billion gallons per year. Which alternative fuel has replaced the most gasoline?

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* 14. Government and private studies estimate adding 10% ethanol to the U.S. gasoline supply saves consumers about how much per gallon?

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* 15. How much more per gallon do you pay for premium 93 octane gasoline compared to regular 87 octane gasoline?

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* 16. Does 120 octane ethanol cost refiners or gasoline marketers less per gallon than 87 octane gasoline?

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* 17. How much do consumers in European countries pay in excise taxes per gallon of gasoline? (US dollar equivalent)

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* 18. How much per gallon in federal excise taxes do U.S. electric vehicle owners pay?

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* 19. What percentage of cars in the U.S. are electric vehicles?

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* 20. How long do you think the public and Congress will protect the $2 trillion in federal subsidies provided to stimulate the production and sales of electric vehicles?

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* 21. The U.S. will likely depend on gasoline as the primary transportation fuel for the next 25 years.

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* 22. A gallon of ethanol has what percent less carbon (greenhouse gases) when compared to gasoline?

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* 23. The U.S. EPA requires every gasoline pump to have an ethanol content label.

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* 24. The U.S. EPA require every gasoline pump to have a benzene content label.

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* 25. Do you think there should be a benzene warning label on every gasoline pump in the U.S.?

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* 26. How much benzene do you prefer in your gasoline?

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* 27. Are there any good reasons why EPA should not require refiners and/or gasoline marketers to replace Benzene, Toluene methylbenzene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene dimethylbenzene (i.e., BTEX) and other aromatic chemicals in gasoline with lower-carbon, higher-octane, lower-cost, cleaner-burning, renewable, domestically produced fuel ethanol?

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* 28. Why do you think everyone is familar with the word gasoline but does not understand the negative impact it has on their environmental, energy, economic, public health, food, or geopolticial securities?

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* 29. Why do you think we know what's in our food, beer, medicine, and shampoo – yet not know what's in our gasoline?

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* 30. Why do you think a lot of people believe ethanol is bad for their car and the environment but don't know jack about what's in their gasoline?

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* 31. Have you ever searched YouTube for "Gasolinegate" and met Jack the Fuel Text Dummy