2025-2028 NWCSA Community Needs Assessment Survey

Northwest Wisconsin Community Services Agency Inc. is conducting a Community Needs Assessment that will be used to create and sustain programming that reflects and addresses needs within our service area from 2025 to 2028. We're leaning on you by collecting anonymous information from participants, boards, staff, public officials, and organizational partners across our five-county service area. Our final report will be available about October 2025.
1.Which county do you live in?
2.Select the most appropriate choice below?
3.Age (must be at least 18)
65 and better
4.Which of the following best describes you?
African American/Black
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander
5.What is the highest level of education you have completed?
8th grade or less
Some high school
High school diploma/GED
Some college
Technical or trade school
Associate Degree
Bachelor’s Degree
Graduate degree
6.Do you speak a language other than English, as home as your primary language at home?
7.If yes, which language?
8.Please answer the following statements about you and /or your household relating to money and education.
Don't know
I have an account at a bank or credit union (e.g. checking, saving, CD, IRA, etc.)
My family and I receive the Earned Income Tax Credit.
I have money in savings available to me.
I need help completing my own tax forms.
I need help learning how to budget my monthly expenses.
I need help balancing my checkbook.
I need help understanding my credit report.
I/someone in my household needs additional education to earn a living wage. (support your household without government benefits.)
I/someone in my household needs assistance with basic literacy. (reading, writing, and/or math)
I/someone in my household needs assistance learning basic computer literacy skills.
I/someone in my household needs assistance learning to speak English.
9.Which of the following best describes your working status?
Full time
Part time
Migrant Seasonal Farm Worker
Unable to Work
Work more than one job
10.Are you currently receiving any public assistance?
11.Have you experienced homelessness?
12.Which of the following best describes your housing situation.
Single parent, one or more children at home
Two parent household, one or more children
Live with another person
Multi-generational family
13.In the last 12 months, have you been worried about losing your housing?
14.What type of job do you have?
15.What are your sources of income? (check all that apply)
16.What is the total income of adults living in your household?
Less than $10,000
$60,000 and above
17.Which of the following best describes your housing situation?
Own a house
Staying with friends/family
Mobile home (paying space/lot rent)
18.Please answer the following statements about you and/or your household related to housing.
Not a concern
Slight concern
Somewhat concern
Moderate concern
Extreme concern
Paying for rent
Dealing with landlord issues
Making house (mortgage) payments
Paying for home repairs
Paying for utility bills
Getting insulation and/or weatherization
Finding safe, affordable housing
Paying property taxes
Buying a house
Finding emergency shelter
19.Please mark all of the housing issues you have experienced the last 12 months.
20.Do you or your family receive housing assistance? (Section 8 or subsidized housing)
21.Please rate the following statements about you and/or your household related to employment.
Not a concern
Slight concern
Somewhat concern
Moderate concern
Extreme concern
Finding a job
Finding a full time job
Finding a job with higher wages
Finding Housing
Getting training for a better job
Getting a job with health benefits
Securing childcare
Transportation to interview/work site
22.Please rate the following statements about you and/or your household related to legal concerns.
Not a concern
Slight concern
Somewhat concern
Moderate concern
Extreme concern
Child Support Payments
Bank Foreclosure on home
Domestic Abuse
Creditors/Debt Collectors
Public Benefits Programs (WIC, Food Share, etc.)
Government Health Insurance (BadgerCare Plus, Medicare, Medicaid, ACA)
Veteran’s Benefits
23.Please check all of the following that apply to you and/or your household regarding transportation.
24.Please rate the following statements about you and/or your household related to transportation
Not a concern
Slight concern
Somewhat concern
Moderate concern
Extreme concern
Buying a reliable vehicle
Obtaining a driver’s license
Paying for fines and fees
Paying for auto services and repairs
Paying for auto insurance
Paying for gas or diesel
Having a way to get to school or work
Finding public transportation
Paying for bus fare
Purchasing a reliable bicycle
Paying for bike services or repairs
25.Do you currently have health insurance?
26.Please check all of the insurance coverage you have in your household.
27.Which of the following stops you from seeing a doctor when you have a health need? (check all that apply)
28.Which of the following stops you from seeing a dentist when you have a dental need? (check all that apply)
29.Which of the following stops you from seeing a mental health professional when you have a mental health need? (check all that apply)
30.Answer the following questions.
No concern
Slight concern
Somewhat concern
Moderate concern
Extreme concern
How concerned are you about your mental health?
How concerned are you about your family or friends' mental health?
31.I feel confident that I can afford my prescription medication(s).
32.I feel confident I have access to treatment facilities & professionals for substance abuse/ addiction issues.
33.Do you or a member of your household use any of the following substances (remember, your responses are anonymous!) Check all that apply.
34.In the last 12 months, have you been worried about feeding your household?
35.In the last 12 months, have you been able to make enough money to meet your family's basic needs?
36.What are the biggest health concerns in your family?
37.What services are needed most for the children in your community?
38.Please rate the following child care concerns as they pertain to your household.
Not a concern
Slight concern
Somewhat concern
Moderate concern
Extreme concern
Finding safe, affordable child care
Finding a child care facility
Keeping multi-age children together in one facility
Transportation to childcare facility
Cost of child care
Available hours don’t match work schedule
39.I am a grandparent responsible for child care
40.Please rate the following food security concerns as they pertain to your household.
In the past year, was there ever a time when you could not afford to provide your household with enough food?
In the past year, I/we have been able to afford to buy fresh fruits and vegetables every week.
In the past year, I/we have purchased food from a farmer’s market.
In the last 5 years, I/we have used the FoodShare (Food Stamps) program.
In the last 5 years, I/we were enrolled in WIC.
In the past year, I/we have used a community food program (food distribution/pantries/free meals/etc.)
I/we would like to learn how to prepare healthy meals.
I/we garden to grow our own food.
I/we would be interested in learning how to garden to grow food.
41.Of the 8 areas of discussion, please identify the TOP 3 using 1, 2, 3 that have the largest impact on your household.
Physical Health
Mental Health
Child care
Legal Issues
42.If you had access to a community center, what would you like to see offered? Select as few or as many as you feel should be included.
43.Do you feel like your personnel identity is being represented?
44.How do you prefer to have your identity represented?
45.Do you know where to go if you want to volunteer in the area? Check all that apply.