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The nonprofit sector in Canada represents a significant contribution to the country's gross national product.   The purpose of this study is to find the correlation between the existence of solid governance practices and processes and the effectiveness of the sector to improve Canadian lives. 

We want to understand the effect that poor or great governance has on the two central indicators that non-profits need to measure their effectiveness by, that is, the impact that they want to make in the community and their financial health.   The results of the study will arm Executive Directors with the data and the information to build exceptional partnerships with their volunteer leaders.
We will make the results available to all participants free of charge. The results of the survey will be compiled into a white paper highlighting findings and implications for the future of the sector.  There will be an opportunity after you complete the survey to request a copy of the completed report.  

The Canadian Nonprofit Academy, founded in 2013,  is a national organization devoted to strengthening capacity in the sector by improving governance practices and processes.  

The survey will take less than 10 minutes and we will draw for one free essential course worth 1800.00 - first year's subscription.  We very much appreciate the time dedicated to supporting this valuable and needed research.  If you would like more information on the Canadian Nonprofit Academy, please visit our website   

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* 1. What category does your organization fall under?

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* 2. How many years has your organization been in existence?

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* 3. What best describes your annual operating budget?

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* 4. How many FTE (Full Time Equivalent) staff does your organization have?

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* 5. How many board directors do you have?

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* 6. What best describes the geographical area that your organization serves?

The following questions are designed to capture your organization's board training practices and needs.

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* 7. We have annual board training for all board members.

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* 8. We have a board manual that all board members must read and understand.

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* 9. What are the most important skills for board members to have?

  Very important Somewhat important  Neutral  Somewhat unimportant  Not important at all 
Strategic focus
Looking ahead to anticipate opportunities and threats
Financial skills
Ability to work in a team
Commitment to the Mission and Vision of the organization
Interpersonal communication skills
Ability to relate to different perspectives
Knowledge of the organization, its mission and programs
Integrity and impeccable personal conduct
Ability to inspire others 
Relationship building
Knowledge of governance practices

Question Title

* 10. What area do you feel your board members need the most support to fulfill their governance role?

  very important  somewhat important  neutral  somewhat unimportant  not important at all 
Understanding of big picture role of the board
Specific board responsibilities
Individual board member responsibilities
Duty of loyalty
Understand the nature of conflict of interest
Duty of care
Duty of obedience
Fiduciary responsibility

Question Title

* 11. What area do you feel your board members need the most support to fulfill their governance role?

  very important  somewhat important  neutral  somewhat unimportant  not important at all 
Understanding of big picture role of the board
Specific board responsibilities
Individual board member responsibilities
Duty of loyalty
Understand the nature of conflict of interest
Duty of care
Duty of obedience
Fiduciary responsibility
These questions ask you about your organization's governance policies and practices.

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* 12. Our organization has a policy around diversity, equity and inclusivity.

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* 13. Our organization asks potential board members to complete an application form and to be interviewed

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* 14. Our organization recruits new board members based on a skills assessment.

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* 15. All board members have job descriptions that clearly include what is expected and duties

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* 16. Our nomination process for board members focuses on finding the best quality people with the right skills.

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* 17. Diversity on our board of directors is a core value and we actively recruit members from diverse backgrounds.

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* 18. Our board has a set of core values and these are included in all board-related documentation and correspondence.

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* 19. We look at the strategic direction of our organization annually? 

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* 20. Does your organization have a policy to move a percentage of any operating surpluses into a reserve fund?

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* 21. If you are the most senior staff person, please describe your relationship with the board. There is a place to add any clarifying comments.

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* 22. If you are a board member, please describe the board's relationship with the most senior staff person. There is a place to add any clarifying comments.

In the following questions, you are being asked to evaluate the overall performance of your board and to indicate the degree to which your organization is effectively governed.

Question Title

* 23. How would you rate the performance of your board of directors in the following areas?

  Poor  Below average  Neutral  Average  Above average 
Strategic thinking
Being ambassadors and champions in the community
Knowledge of the organization's Mission and Vision
Knowledge of their role and responsibilities
Knowledge of organization's programs and services
Understanding the environment and how it impacts your organization
Working well together as a team
Resolving internal conflicts
Holding individual board members accountable for their responsibilities
Taking responsibility for the organization's successes and failures

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* 24. Our board members have the skills to carry out their volunteer leadership roles.

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* 25. We have an abundance of volunteers willing to take on board roles. 

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* 26. If you are a volunteer, how likely are you to continue volunteering at your organization in the future?

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* 27. Our board culture is positive in that it supports a diversity of opinion, is respectful of members and provides a rewarding volunteer experience. 

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* 28. If your board culture is positive and supportive,  what contributes to this?

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* 29. If your board culture is negative and/or toxic, please describe the factors that contribute to this atmosphere.

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* 30. Our board is highly reactive and tends to focus on immediate needs. 

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* 31. How satisfied are you with the quality of the board's decision-making?  By indicating that you are very satisfied, you believe that the board makes high-quality decisions.

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* 32. How satisfied are you with your contribution to the organization's mission?

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* 33. Would your satisfaction level be improved if you had more support in terms of your board member responsibilities?  

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* 34. How confident are you that your board makes the best possible decisions in the interest of the Mission and Vision for the organization?

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* 35. Our organization has a reserve fund of at least 6 months worth of operating expenses.

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* 36. What is the main source of your organization's funding  (consists of more than 40% of your annual revenues)?

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* 37. Our organization is financially healthy with sizeable financial resources to weather unforeseen storms. 

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* 38. We foresee that our organization's revenues from most sources will grow in the next several years.

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* 39. In your last fiscal year, what was your organization's net income as a percentage of the budget?

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* 40. It is easy to find board members. 

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* 41. Our organization is effective in achieving its mission  (programs support the overall vision,  money is well spent etc). 

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* 42. Our board is forward-thinking in its focus.

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* 43. We have had a high level of staff turnover in recent years. 

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this valuable and significant piece of research.  We expect the report to be available in the spring of 2022.

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* 44. If you would like to add anything about the particular governance challenges that your organization has, we would love to get any other information from you. Please include those comments below.

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