If the proposed rules are passed, how will they affect your practice?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has proposed rules on medical debt reporting. If finalized, the rule would prohibit all medical debt from consumer credit reports (among other things).

The key provisions in the proposed rule would:

* Eliminate the special medical debt exception.
* Establish guardrails for credit reporting companies.
* Ban repossession of medical devices.

If passed, the proposed rule would require more transparency about financial resources and charity care while also simplifying patient bills. It would prohibit medical debt from consumer credit reports. Under the proposed rule, patients could decide not to pay their bill without real consequences.

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* 1. Do you believe these proposals will impact your post-visit collection process?

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* 2. If so, how?

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* 3. If non-payment of debt to your practice is no longer part of a patient's credit report, will it deter your ability to collect debt?

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* 4. After reading this Advocacy Insider article, should the College offer comments on the proposed rule?

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* 5. If you answered "Yes" to the question above, what should we specifically comment on?

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* 6. Can you provide helpful examples of de-identified patient stories who refuse to pay medical debt but appear to have the means to pay?

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* 7. If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please send your stories to AdvocacyCouncil@acaai.org. PLEASE OMIT ALL PERSONALLY IDENTIFICALBE INFORMATION/PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION.