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YCAP Survey of Costs in Canadian Arbitration
Please fill out this survey for each Canadian arbitration matter your firm has handled in the past 5 years that has resulted in a final costs award. If multiple references were heard together and determined as one proceeding, please treat as one case.
For our purposes:
a matter is “Canadian” if the arbitration is seated in Canada, irrespective of the nationalities of the parties, counsel or arbitrators; and
"Costs" includes legal and expert fees and disbursements.
We understand that you are busy, so we would appreciate receiving estimated or approximate figures if exact figures are too onerous to look up. Similarly, please answer as many questions as you can.
The Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners ("YCAP") intends to use this survey to publish a report setting out the practice of costs awards for Canadian arbitrations. It will not be used for any other purpose. All information received will be reviewed on an anonymous basis for this sole purpose.