20 Questions About Excelsior Citizen

A survey of the readership to help shape the future of local news.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. Marital Status

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* 4. Length of residency in Excelsior Springs

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* 5. What do you like about Excelsior Citizen?

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* 6. What areas can Excelsior Citizen improve?

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* 7. Check all of the services that you knew we offered.

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* 8. Have you ever messaged us directly for help? If so, did you get your problem resolved?

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* 9. Rank the following in the order of interest:

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* 10. Each day we try to make a post that provides a positive way for citizens to connect and share. Which of the following do you enjoy (check all that apply)

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* 11. In the past, our Facebook Group has strongly opposed discussing politics. However, as a local news outlet, we cover city-wide matters, host Candidate Meet and Greets, provide Election Specials, and collaborate with the City of ES for responsible discussions. Your feedback matters—do you find our approach sufficient or suggest changes?

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* 12. There are sometimes topics that are in need of investigative reporting. For example, the Haslett trial, bullying in schools, trash service, etc. Is this something that you would like us to continue to pursue and report on? 

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* 13. Our community is renowned for its kindness and support during tough times. When members seek help in the Group, we personally connect them with local resources to ensure they receive appropriate assistance and safeguard against misuse. Is this approach satisfactory, or would you suggest improvements?

We are planning to update the rules of the Facebook Group to provide better communication to citizens about what is allowed and what isn't. We would like your feedback on each of the rules. 

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* 14. Is it TRUE?
Verify Before Sharing: Only share information you have verified to be true. Avoid spreading rumors or misinformation.
Cite Sources: Provide reputable sources for your information when possible.

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* 15. Is it FAIR?
Respectful Discourse: Engage in conversations respectfully. Do not attack, belittle, or insult others.

Share news and information without showcasing negativity. For example, if you’re sharing news about a new business, don’t disparage existing businesses. Don’t say: “Restaurant X is so much better than Restaurant Y!” Instead, try, “I really love _____ about the new Restaurant X!”

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Positivity First: Share uplifting stories, initiatives, and community achievements. While constructive criticism is allowed, focus on solutions rather than just pointing out problems.
Relevance: Ensure that your posts and comments are relevant to Excelsior Springs and beneficial to its residents.

This is not a space to air your grievances with another community member or a local business. Reach out to your neighbor or the business owner and try talking with them. Or if you insist, you can always post your complaint on your own wall…

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* 17. Promote LOCAL
Identify yourself: You MUST include the name of your business in your post.
Support Local: If you're sharing about a local business, ensure it's located within or benefits Excelsior Springs. Supporting local businesses helps our community thrive.
Transparent Affiliations: If you have a personal or financial connection with a business you're promoting, try to make the relationship clear. It's essential to be transparent and trustworthy.

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* 18. We are NOT a Swap Shop group
No Individual Item Listings: Do not post individual items with their respective prices. This includes items you want to sell, trade, swap, or give away. If you have multiple items, consider hosting a garage sale or using appropriate selling platforms.

Garage Sales Are Welcome: Announcements about garage sales, such as "huge sale today at 123 Cherry Lane," are allowed.

Have something you’re trying to sell, give away, or buy? Try these other local groups:
• ES Swap Shop
• Buy Nothing, Excelsior Springs

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* 19. No Sale or Rehoming of PETS
Policy Reference: In adherence to Facebook’s Community Standards, the sale or rehoming of pets by private individuals is strictly prohibited within this group.

Exceptions: Only recognized brick-and-mortar stores, official shelters, or registered rescues may share posts about animals available for adoption or rehoming. Such posts should clearly state the organization's name and provide contact information.

Reporting: If you encounter a post that violates this rule, please report it to the moderators immediately. We strive to keep this community in line with platform-wide standards and policies.

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* 20. Have FUN
Positive Interactions: Share light-hearted content, celebrate small victories, and participate in community events and games.
Encourage Others: React positively to members' posts, and don't be afraid to use GIFs, emojis, and memes to create a fun atmosphere, as long as they are appropriate and respectful.