Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct

Members of the Newark EMA HIV Health Services Planning Council are expected to adhere to these Standards of Conduct with regard to their participation in all activities related to the Planning Council.

Any information obtained due to participation in any activity related to the Planning Council, particularly information regarding any individual, such as HIV status, financial situation, personal information, MUST NOT be disclosed to anyone for any purpose without written authorization from the person or self-disclosure.  This includes, but is not limited to, information obtained within Planning Council or council committee meetings and activities.  Likewise personal information obtained outside of Planning Council or committee activities must not be disclosed at Planning Council or committee events unless consent, preferably written authorization, is given or self-disclosure.

Acceptance of Gifts or Favors
No member of the Planning Council shall accept from any person, directly or indirectly, whether by themselves or through a member of their family or through any partner or business associate, any gift, favor, service, employment or offer of employment or any other thing of value, which the they know, or has reason to believe is made or offered to them with the intent to influence their performance of duties as a member of the Planning Council.  Likewise, no Planning Council member should expect gifts, preferential treatment for themselves or a family member because of their Planning Council membership.

Not Exclusive
Nothing in this appendix should be construed as exclusive.  Members of the Planning Council are expected to adhere to customary business standards.

The Planning Council may take action against any member that violates the above Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct.  This action may include any steps up to recommendation for termination from Planning Council membership.  Action may be taken following an investigation by the Planning Council or the Executive Committee and may be taken only following a majority vote of either body when quorum is present.  See paragraph 4.11.6 of the Newark EMA HIV Health Services Planning Council official Bylaws.
1.Confirmation of Receipt
Please type your name below in lieu of signature to acknowledge receipt of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct: