Dice Tower Podcast Survey
What's your email address? (THIS WILL ONLY BE USED IF YOU WIN THE CONTEST)
How often do you listen to the podcast?
Every episode
Once in a while
Only Tom/Eric
Only Mandi/Suz
How current are you in your podcast listening?
I listen to each show the day it comes out
I listen to the show the week they come out
I listen, but am behind
I sporadically listen
I listen only based on the episode's topic.
What's something that the Dice Tower needs MORE of?
What's something that the Dice Tower needs LESS of?
If you were to make a major change to the Dice Tower, what would it be?
Has anything stood out to you from the last year or so of podcasting in a good/funny way? What?
Is there anything we've done in the past that you'd like to see return?
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered