Market Research - Cash Bag Survey Page 1 of 1 Introducing the Cash Bag: a strong, lockable, GPS-embedded backpack that ensures the wearer can always be found in case of emergencies. Key features include: an embedded programmable device which can be activated from a remote location anywhere in the world to instantaneously pinpoint the Cash Bag’s location, speed and direction of travel. no cellular or wi-fi service needed for tracking combination locking mechanism (can be locked/unlocked remotely) equipped with a solar charger that can easily power up the wearer’s cell phone, tablet or laptop. made from cut-proof, bullet-resistant material The Cash Bag can be utilized to protect and track valuable documents/laptops and by families and law enforcement agencies to locate missing persons. Question Title Question Title * 1. What is your first reaction to the product? Very positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Very negative Question Title * 2. How innovative is the product? Extremely innovative Very innovative Somewhat innovative Not so innovative Not at all innovative Question Title * 3. When you think about the product, do you think of it as something you need or don’t need? Definitely need Probably need Neutral Probably don’t need Definitely don’t need Question Title * 4. What do you like most about this new product? Question Title * 5. What price would you expect to pay (in dollars) for the Cash Bag as described? (please enter just a number) Question Title * 6. At what price would the Cash Bag seem too expensive to be a good value? Under $50 $50-$100 $100 - $250 $250 - $500 Over $500 Question Title * 7. At what price would the Cash Bag seem so cheap as to be of questionable quality? Under $50 $50-$100 $100 - $250 $250 - $500 Over $500 Question Title * 8. If the product were available today, at a price you considered reasonable, how likely would you be to buy the product? Extremely likely Very likely Somewhat likely Not so likely Not at all likely Question Title * 9. What would be the main concern(s) stopping you from buying a Cash Bag? Question Title * 10. Who would you most likely buy the product for? Yourself Your spouse, significant other, or adult friend An elderly parent or other adult with memory/orientation issues Your child N/A - not likely to buy this product Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. What uses of the Cash Bag would you find most appealing? Daily/ general use to help protect and track valuable items/documents Ability to find your child - e.g. en route to school, after school activities, or if missing Ability to find a loved one with memory/orientation problems Ability to find an employee travelling for work outside the office, e.g in dangerous areas or with valuable documents Ability to find someone in the wilderness or on an open body of water N/A - I don't find the product appealing Other uses (please specify) Question Title * 12. What additional features or improvements would make the Cash Bag more appealing? Question Title * 13. What existing product(s) do you consider an alternative to the Cash Bag, and what do you like about them? Question Title * 14. What bag styles would appeal to you? Satchel / messenger bag (similar to the prototype shown) Briefcase Casual backpack Kids backpack Small duffel or ditty bag Woman's purse None - not interested in the general idea Other style (please specify) Question Title * 15. If the product were available in a style you chose above, at a price you considered reasonable, how likely would you be to buy the product? Extremely likely Very likely Somewhat likely Not so likely Not at all likely Question Title * 16. The GPS tracking technology used by the Cash Bag can be used on its own for other purposes. Which of the following GPS tracking devices/designs would be appealing to you? Necklace / pendant Watch Wrist Band Pet collar Parcel or Suitcase tracking device Vehicle or boat tracking device None - I'm not interested in tracking devices Other design (please specify) Question Title * 17. What price would you expect to pay (in dollars) for a more basic GPS tracking device such as mentioned above? (please enter just a number) Question Title * 18. What is your age? 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older Question Title * 19. What is your gender? Female Male Question Title * 20. What is your approximate average household income? $0-$24,999 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000-$124,999 $125,000-$149,999 $150,000-$174,999 $175,000-$199,999 $200,000 and up Next >>