Carson Accountability & Transparency (CAT) publishes the Carson Observer Newspaper and is looking for ways to better inform and engage Carson residents in local issues. Tell us what matters to YOU!

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* 1. Would you say things in Carson are headed in the right direction, or the wrong direction?

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* 2. What are the most important issues facing the City of Carson? (Choose up to 3 issues)

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* 3. If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about Carson, what would it be?

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* 4. Overall, how would you rate the leadership of the Carson City Council?

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* 5. Carson Accountability and Transparency (CAT) produces the Carson Observer Newspaper. Have you read any content from the Observer in the past?

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* 6. Whether or not you have read past issues of the Carson Observer, what issues/topics would be of interest to you?

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* 7. What is your gender?

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* 8. Are you Registered as:

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* 9. What is your age?

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* 10. Which of the following applies to you? (please check all that apply)

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* 11. What is your Zip Code?

Survey Distributed by Carson Accountability & Transparency