A Commute Champion is someone… who uses a commute alternative on a regular basis, and has achieved respect and recognition from co-workers in his or her company or organization for traits that denote a champion.

Nomination Instructions:
1. Anyone who lives or works in the Greater Redmond area can be nominated as a COMMUTE CHAMPION. Fill out the nomination form here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MHBXNFD
2. 2018 winners will be recognized quarterly and presented their awards. They will be additionally recognized at the CHAMPIONS AWARD CEREMONY in February 2019, as well as on the GRTMA website, and in the newsletter.
3. Blog posts about each COMMUTE CHAMPION will be available on the GRTMA website and promoted through March 2019.

Nomination Rules:
* Anyone may nominate a COMMUTE CHAMPION.
* A nominee must be regularly using alternative commute mode and work or live in the Greater Redmond area.
* Eligible alternate modes are:  carpool, vanpool, bicycle, walk, transit, or any combination of one or more of these modes.  In 2018, teleworking and/or working a compressed workweek qualify as alternative commute modes to qualify for Commute Champion nomination if used in conjunction with another eligible mode.
* To be eligible for the 2018 Grand Prize (worth $1000), submissions must be made by Dec 31, 2018.

* Quarterly winners will be awarded a prize worth more than $200 and be eligible for the 2018 Grand Prize (see website for details).
Winners will be announced at each participating company/organization and in GRTMA website, newsletters, and other communications.
* Winners are scheduled for photo shoots that are mutually convenient for the winners and GRTMA.
* Winners must sign a release to use their names and pictures for promoting ridesharing throughout the Greater Redmond area.

Question Title

* 1. Commuter Name:

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* 2. Employer:

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* 3. Home City:

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* 4. Home Zip Code:

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* 5. Email Address:

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* 6. Commute Mode(s) Used:

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* 7. Average number of days per month nominee uses a commute alternative:

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* 8. One-way miles to work:

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* 9. Please provide a brief description of your job, including your current Job Title:

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* 10. Do they fill out their commute calendar on GoRedmond.org or RideShareOnline.com?

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* 11. How long has the nominee been using a commute alternative to work?

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* 12. Tell us why the commuter participates, obstacles the commuter overcomes to use commute alternatives, and/or how the commuter demonstrates enthusiasm for commute alternatives. Please provide at least 2 examples that demonstrate the commitment of the commuter to using a smart transportation option:

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* 13. Describe how your transportation choices encourage others to choose an alternative to driving alone, either through example or advocacy.

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* 14. Describe how your smart transportation choices impact the environment.

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* 15. Describe the primary reason that compels you to use a transportation choice instead of driving alone.

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* 16. Additional Comments: