Question Title

* 1. Organization Legal Name

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* 2. Organization Address

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* 3. Contact Name

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* 4. Contact Phone

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* 5. Contact Email

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* 6. Project Start Date


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* 7. Project End Date


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* 8. Total Project Budget

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* 9. Goal: What is the primary objective of this grant? Was it achieved?

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* 10. What specifically did the Knight Foundation grant dollars fund?

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* 11. Opportunity: What is the overall opportunity this grant addresses?

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* 12. Outcomes & Metrics: What outcome(s) have been achieved with this grant and how was it determined?

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* 13. Knight invests in the downtown Bradenton and riverfront area as a way to attract talented people and better connect those neighborhoods to the surrounding lower-income communities, and focuses their investments in places that connect people of different generations and economic levels, creating a more livable, vibrant urban core. How did this grant support these priorities?