2024 WSADCP Conference Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credits Recording Form

Complete this form to obtain Legal & Judicial Credits

Please note that this form is only for attorneys and judges receiving credits with a bar number. If you do not have a bar number, do not use this form. Non-Attorneys seeking CEUs should contact office@wsadcp.org
1.Full name as registered with the Washington State Bar Association
3.Bar number
4.Please select the credits you are seeking for this session. (Select all that apply)
5.DAY ONE: Please select the session you are submitting this evaluation for
6.DAY TWO: Please select the session you are submitting this evaluation for
7.DAY THREE: Please select the session you are submitting this evaluation for
8.Select the option that best applies to you
9.Optional: Please give any feedback you may have on this session below