The Shared Services Landscape in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania AEYC representing the AEYC community with support from the Delaware Valley AEYC and Pittsburgh AEYC  serves nearly 4000 members and is the champion for Early Care and Education communities across the state. We are working collaboratively with OCDEL to support early learning in Pennsylvania. 

A Shared Services Alliance is an organization comprised of multiple center- or home-based early education programs that have agreed to share specific costs and resources, via a collaborative governance structure. The design of each Shared Services Alliance is unique to its participants, but all share the same goal of strengthening business and pedagogical leadership across participating sites by creating structures that enable sharing of staff, information and resources. 

This purpose of this survey is to help us better understand the landscape as well as participation interests in shared services in Pennsylvania. Survey results will be used to inform and create supportive programming for shared services and shared service alliances. All information will remain confidential. 

This survey should take you approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete. Thank you. 
*Complete the survey by midnight on December 31, 2017 and you will be entered into a drawing for a $100 Target gift card. 

Question Title

* 1. Program Contact Information:

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* 2. Please Select Which Category Best Represents Your Program Type

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* 3. Please Select Which Range Best Represents the Number of Staff Your Program Currently Employs (Please Include Yourself in this Number):

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* 4. What is Your Program's Child Capacity Number?

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* 5. What operational services is Your Program Currently Sharing or Partnering with Another Program or Group of Providers/Programs?

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* 6. Do any of the above indicated services operate with a formal written agreement between partners? 

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* 7. What Areas of Shared Services Is Your Program Most Interested In (Please Rank in Order with 1 being most interested and 7 being the least interested)

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* 8. What Is Your Program's Biggest Barrier to Continuous Quality Improvement?

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* 9. What Do You Consider to be Your Program's Biggest Barrier(s) to Financial Stability? (Please rank your responses with 1 being the biggest barrier and 7 being the least). 

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* 10. May we contact you?

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* 11. Please List the Name of the Person that is the Best Contact for Discussing Shared Services Within Your Program: (If this is Unknown, Please List the Name of the Program Director/Leader)

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* 12. Which Form of Communication Do You Most Prefer?

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* 13. Are you interested in more information about Shared Services?