ABLS Trial Exam on Fundamental Laser Science / Tissue Interaction, Laser Safety and Dental Laser Procedures UPDATED
The ABLS Trial Exam has 18 knowledge questions about critical areas which for laser practitioners. Your score will show at the end.
Question 1 asks for your name, location and email, but not street address or phone number. Your information will be kept confidential.
Questions 2-7 = laser science and tissue interaction; 8-9 = laser safety; and 10-19 = dental laser procedures.
When you click the "DONE" at the end your score will show. If you score below 75%, the Board suggests consideration of the certification process. Up to 28 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits are NOW available.
Practitioners must have a solid understanding of laser physics, tissue interaction, and safety to maximize efficacy. The ABLS Certification provides a valuable learning experience and superior knowledge of laser and light tissue interaction at the chomophore level for optimum treatment parameters. You can differentiate your practice to patients and augment manufacturer training. The ABLS is the world’s ONLY medical specialty board devoted to lasers and light-based energy devices. More information is available on our website.