The Small Manufacturing Recovery Grants program is for small- to medium-sized manufacturers and consists of multiple statewide grant opportunities, including some that are specifically designed to serve Colorado’s diverse rural manufacturing communities.

Applications are reviewed weekly.

Applicants will be contacted within 10 business days of application submission for follow-up and next steps.

Please note: home-based businesses are not currently eligible for grants under this program.
Step 1 - Basic Information

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Title

Question Title

* 4. Email Address

Question Title

* 5. Phone Number

Question Title

* 6. Company Name

Question Title

* 7. Industry

Question Title

* 8. Company Street Address

Question Title

* 9. Company Town

Question Title

* 10. Company County Location (ex. Adams, Boulder, Mesa, etc.)

Question Title

* 11. Company Website

Question Title

* 12. How did you hear about the Small Manufacturing Recovery Grants program? Please be specific. (ex. Manufacturer's Edge newsletter, CAMA, JeffCO EDC, etc.)

Question Title

* 13. Have you worked with Manufacturer's Edge in the past?

Question Title

* 15. DUNS/D&B ID (if known):

Question Title

* 16. NAICS Code(s) (if known):

Question Title

* 17. Is your business 51% owned, operated, and controlled by the following (mark all that apply):

Question Title

* 18. Years in operation:

Question Title

* 19. Number of employees:

Question Title

* 20. 2022 Annual Revenue:

Question Title

* 21. 2023 Annual Revenue:

Question Title

* 22. Revenue trends since 2022:

Step 2 - Priority Areas and Projects

Definitions of priority areas:
  • Deciding with Data: Leverage data to make informed decisions & minimize risk to drive growth, innovation, and profit.
  • Growing Your Company: Implement sales and marketing tools to grow your business and capture new opportunities.
  • Improving Operations: Leverage continuous improvement measures and streamline production, maintenance, and administrative processes.

Question Title

* 23. Which project best fits your needs and your budget?

The Tier 1 options are valued at $20,000 and require an investment of $5,000. The SMRG funding Manufacturer’s Edge receives will cover $15,00 of the project value, if a company is approved.

The Tier 2 options are valued at $10,000 and require a $2,500 investment. The SMRG funding Manufacturer’s Edge receives will cover $7,500 of the project value, if a company is approved.

Select your top 3 choices from any combination of Tier 1 and Tier 2 options and indicate below how you rank them from #1 being your highest priority to #3 being your lowest.


Question Title


Question Title

* 25. Please list and rank your top 3 choices from any combination of Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects. Rank the projects that would most help your company in order of priority from #1 being your highest priority to #3 being your lowest.

Step 3 - Circumstances from Covid-19
Please indicate below if and to what degree your business was negatively impacted in any of the following ways.

Question Title

* 26. Did revenues decrease during the pandemic?

Question Title

* 27. Did expenses increase during the pandemic

Question Title

* 28. Did you experience or are you currently experiencing labor market shortages or other supply chain impacts?

Question Title

* 29. Have you adopted or are you currently adopting safer operating procedures (e.g., purchasing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks for employees, closing indoor seating, etc.)

Question Title

* 30. Have you created or are you currently looking to create new sales channels because of pandemic shifts?

Question Title

* 31. Have you been impacted by periods of closure caused by the pandemic?

Question Title

* 32. None of the above. We have not been impacted by the pandemic.

Step 4 - Anticipated Program Outcomes

List the following estimated outcomes for participating in this program.

Question Title

* 33. Estimated number of jobs created that will result from this project. (Percent of current employment size)

Question Title

* 34. Estimated number of jobs retained will result from this project. (Percent of current employment size)

Question Title

* 35. Estimated new sales that will result from this project. (Percentage of increase in current sales)

Question Title

* 36. Estimated retained sales that will result from this project. (Percentage of current sales)

Question Title

* 37. Will this project result in cost savings (waste reduction/equipment repair/efficiency gains/etc.)

Step 5: General Business Health Assessment

Question Title

* 38. The organization has defined, planned, and communicated the vision, mission and/or values; the values are demonstrated regularly by the leadership team and two-way communication on organizational performance is conducted.

Question Title

* 39. The leadership team is well structured; accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities are defined and aligned to the strategic plans, and decision authority is understood.

Question Title

* 40. The organization communicates the strategy and action plans to all levels of the organization, making a clear connection to each person’s role in achieving the plans while regularly monitoring and responding when circumstances require a shift in and rapid execution of new plans.

Question Title

* 41. The organization has a developed marketing and sales plan to acquire and retain customers. Technology is used to share and connect with current and potential customers the organization’s unique value proposition. Both the technology and the content are monitored to ensure messaging is effective.

Question Title

* 42. The organization uses data and information, analytics, and other evaluation methods to track operations and overall company performance and capabilities. The organization has implemented a system/process to measure organizational performance on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis.

Question Title

* 43. The organization provides a safe workplace and operating environment that ensures its preparation for disasters, emergencies, disruptions, and business continuity, including cybersecurity.

Question Title

* 44. The organization continually assesses and manages long-and short-term workforce capability and capacity needs. Employees have a career development path and their manager is actively engaged in growing their talent, skills, and performance.

Question Title

* 45. Effective systems and processes are in place to recruit, hire, onboard, and retain new workforce members and a clearly defined compensation system according to which employees are evaluated on a regular basis to ensure competitive, fair, and consistent practices.

Question Title

* 46. Processes are trained and implemented to ensure little variation in outcome between employees who perform them. Procedures, work instructions, “job aids,” or other visual representations are used to ensure repeatability of processes.

Question Title

* 47. Work processes and support processes are managed, measured, reviewed, and adjusted to ensure they meet requirements including to promote product and process performance, reduce variability, and pursue opportunities for innovation.

Question Title

* 48. Clear metrics are used to measure the production process (e.g., sales, revenue, on-time delivery, first-pass quality, performance to budget, safety, employee morale, cycle time, and inventory control). Work teams regularly review priorities and make conscious decisions about shifting resources and attention to meet their goals and the business's needs proactively.